Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Hole In Our Gospel Book Review

I have been given the privilege to read and review the Book The Hole in our Gospel by Richard Stearns. And I must admit when I picked this book to read I was worried that I may pick it up, read a few pages and put it down but instead I was inspired to lead a new life and all due to this book and the testimony of a man who decided to listen to god and and change the world.
Richard Stearns tells his story of being a normal man like you and me with good and bad times. From childhood to adulthood he struggles with becoming a good man and then one day is challenged by God to change everything he knows to save the hungry,the poor and the sick while raising his own five kids.
The insight that this man has acquired over his lifetime is absolutely amazing and inspiring. The life changing moments that he has experienced is what makes this book exceptional. You can say that this is just another book about what we already know but I beg to differ completely, because he puts things into perspective in a way that is undeniably the truth and fact. We as Americans easily can turn the page and move on with our day to day lives because that is the luxury we have living in the united states of America for most Americans and what Richard Stearns does in this book challenges us as the human race to look deeper into our hearts, souls and Christianity. I myself as an American have taken for granted the simple things in life that have become just a way of life, like where I lay my head and when I lay there I can see the American flag flapping in the wind outside my window. Normally this is just another morning for me and now when I see the picture window with the flag flowing gracefully in the wind I cant help but thank God for this View. I also then realize how lucky I am to be able to feel security and a full stomach because of that flag and because God chose for me to be here, right here in this house with these five girls and my wonderful husband. I am blessed to have running disease free water, food in the cupboards and doctors to heal my girls when they are sick.
Because of this Book by Richard Stearns I have a new outlook on life and I have been compelled to act and hopefully help serve the Lord with my actions. I have a new mission for my life and for sharing the Gospel with the world. I have new, fresh and inspirational ideas on how I should spend my life serving the Lord and his people, you, me, the poor, the sick, the oppressed, ect.
This is a book that can and hopefully will change the world because it is actually common sense that a lot of us just need to be reminded of. Common sense for the Christian that has always wondered what his or her purpose is. Common sense for the world, their leaders and everyone who is lucky enough to wash their hands after using the restroom...
I highly recommend this book to anyone who likes to read, don't like to read and to anyone wondering what we should do now in these times of a deteriorating economy. I will now share this book with everyone I know and dont know.


  1. I am easily bored with reading books. It is rare that something captivates me long enough to finish.

    Because of your review, I think that this one would be a completed read for myself AND my husband.


  2. You review says it all "I myself as an American have taken for granted the simple things in life that have become just a way of life, like where I lay my head and when I lay there I can see the American flag flapping in the wind outside my window."

  3. As Americans I think we have lost our sense of gratefulness for the little things as well as the big and the only time we get on our knees and pray is to ask for more rather than to thank God for what we already have.
