Monday, June 29, 2009
Thursday, June 25, 2009

Congrats Comments - Hot Comments
Congratulations to the winner of my bow that was given away at
My four Monkey's..
Remember to enter in for this weeks drawing under
"Bow giveaway"
Just keep scrolling down to get there.
All entries must be reveived by Midnight on Sunday.
Good Luck
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Tag I'm It!!
So I just got tagged by "My four Monkeys" and what I'm suppose to do is add the sixth picture from my photo album and then add a description to it but my sixth picture is a bow so I'm going to choose this picture instead.
This is our family at a tour of Fenway Park. My husband is on top of the world here and if he could just pitch a tent and stay forever he would be in heaven. Poor guy out numbered
6 to 1.... Also the top of this picture was autographed by Johny Pesky who use to play for the Red Sox. The Yellow pole behind us in the background was actually named after Johny Pesky. He was outside signing autographs and I had just got a ice cream cone with my girls. When I asked him to sign my hat he mentioned that my ice cream looked good. I asked him if he would like a bite and so now my most memorable moment at Fenway was that Johny Pesky not only signed my hat but he had a bite of my ice cream.
What a life, I am a mother to five beautiful daughters and a Coast Guard wife. Not the easiest job, but the best job. I am a stay at home mother and work from home making boutique style bows and blogging about reviews,giveaways, and my life. I am originally from Washington State and we were transferred to Massachusetts two years ago, 3000+ miles from home and from my family. Were not rich but were not homeless which makes our lives a daily adventure worth living. I love being with my girls and my husband is my best friend. We only get one life to live and we don't get a second chance at it so I try to do it some what right the first time. I don't know where we are going next but as long as we do it together its a journey worth taking.
Friday, June 19, 2009
The Ab Circle Review
For those of you that remember me telling you about the exercise machine I ordered, Its the Ab circle and I absolutely love it. When it says that all you need to do is use it 3 minutes a day, they were not joking.
Immediately after using the ab circle my abs were feeling it, but the greatest thing about this machine was that it did not only work out my abs. It took a lot of upper body strength as well to keep this moving and so I ended up working out my arms, chest and back.
I also set the clock for three minutes and when I did so I didn't think that was going to be enough time to benefit any but what I found was that the continuous motion from side to side worked my abs more then straining sit ups that we all hate.
Another feature I liked about the Ab Circle was that it has a small removable bar that you can take out so that the arms of the machine swing out and you can then also work your butt and thighs. It was easy to do, no mechanical skills were necessary to make this machine work and that's what I love about it.
My lower abs are the hardest for me to work out, especially after having five children but the Ab circle made it so that I worked out even the stomach muscles I normally cant do by doing normal sit ups.
I have tried every machine out there and I have all of them in my basement to prove it but I will defiantly be using this every day to get the results I want.
It also provided me with a cardio workout that I also did not expect when I purchased this item, so my plan is to work out an extra minute each day to get to my 30 minutes of Cardio needed to lose weight.
The abs are the only muscles that you can work out everyday since our core muscles are what hold us up and do all the work. So using this machine daily will benefit my core muscles and give me the cardio time I need.
I would recommend this product to anyone and if you need more information on viewing and possibly purchasing this item, I have attached the sites link below.
Immediately after using the ab circle my abs were feeling it, but the greatest thing about this machine was that it did not only work out my abs. It took a lot of upper body strength as well to keep this moving and so I ended up working out my arms, chest and back.
I also set the clock for three minutes and when I did so I didn't think that was going to be enough time to benefit any but what I found was that the continuous motion from side to side worked my abs more then straining sit ups that we all hate.
Another feature I liked about the Ab Circle was that it has a small removable bar that you can take out so that the arms of the machine swing out and you can then also work your butt and thighs. It was easy to do, no mechanical skills were necessary to make this machine work and that's what I love about it.
My lower abs are the hardest for me to work out, especially after having five children but the Ab circle made it so that I worked out even the stomach muscles I normally cant do by doing normal sit ups.
I have tried every machine out there and I have all of them in my basement to prove it but I will defiantly be using this every day to get the results I want.
It also provided me with a cardio workout that I also did not expect when I purchased this item, so my plan is to work out an extra minute each day to get to my 30 minutes of Cardio needed to lose weight.
The abs are the only muscles that you can work out everyday since our core muscles are what hold us up and do all the work. So using this machine daily will benefit my core muscles and give me the cardio time I need.
I would recommend this product to anyone and if you need more information on viewing and possibly purchasing this item, I have attached the sites link below.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Good Friends

I often wonder if finding good friends is possible any more. I learned at a late age that people you know are not your friends just because they call you friend. You would have thought that I would have learned this in school but I didn't learn this till I entered the work place and found that adult drama can be even harder then high school drama.
I have three good friends and I have known all three of them since kindergarten. I can actually remember the first time I met my friend Shannon and I was only five. I remember it like it was Yesterday and I can even tell you what she was wearing. She had long red curly hair, purple butterfly earrings and matching butterfly Barrett's. Her accessories matched her purple shirt and we played dolls together while our mothers talked with the teacher.
I really don't know why I remember that moment the way I do but I do know that Shannon has become my sister over the years and she is one of those people I will always hold dear to my heart.
With 27 years of friendship behind us, there have been good times and bad times and even though we don't get to talk everyday it seems we can pick up just where we left off. That is a friendship worth treasuring for life.
I really don't know why I remember that moment the way I do but I do know that Shannon has become my sister over the years and she is one of those people I will always hold dear to my heart.
With 27 years of friendship behind us, there have been good times and bad times and even though we don't get to talk everyday it seems we can pick up just where we left off. That is a friendship worth treasuring for life.

I watch my daughter Saylor who is five, try and make friends with strangers. My heart breaks when I see her needing friendship that much, she is willing to ask anyone to be her friend. I say to her all the time that when she goes to school she will make many friends, but I really know how hard it is to make good friends. Since we are in the military we move around so much my girls will most like never be able to develop the friendships I have with my life long friends.
I think it can be hard for girls also because girls can be caddy and when your the new girl in school it makes the cattiness even bigger.
I have two best friends I have always known and that is my mom and my sister. They are two people I will never be able to live without and just knowing them has made me a better person. I could talk all day about my mom and sister but my friendship with them is what I hope for my girls. Because we move around so much I am hoping they will be able to create strong, bonding friendships with each other.

Friends are very important in life and especially good friends should never be taken for granted. Friendship holds no grudges, friendship is honest and forgiving,and when you have a good friend you sometimes don't know how good a friend is till the friendship is lost.
My Four Monkeys reviewed my Bows..
I want to first thank "My Four Little Monkey's" for the great review she did for me today. I have met a lot of people over time and it seems harder and harder to find good people. I must say the writer of "My Four Little Monkeys," Angie.. Is one of those rare finds.
She does an exceptional job when reviewing products on her blog and her professionalism is superb. - Don't hesitate when joining her blog, the information for new innovative products and unique finds you will see on her blog are worth the read.
I also needed a lot of help when it came to designing my blog and Angie helped me out even though she has four kids of her own that she home schools. She found the time to give me pointers and get me headed in the right direction.
On her blog she is reviewing the bows I make and sell on Etsy. With this review there is a bow give away and entries must be in by 6/24. There is no purchase necessary and all you need to do is go to her blog, read the review and follow the steps to get your entry.
You will be able to choose any bow you like from my store -
Because of this give away I will be continuing the bow give away every Sunday with no purchase necessary.
Thank you Angie for the great review.
She does an exceptional job when reviewing products on her blog and her professionalism is superb. - Don't hesitate when joining her blog, the information for new innovative products and unique finds you will see on her blog are worth the read.
I also needed a lot of help when it came to designing my blog and Angie helped me out even though she has four kids of her own that she home schools. She found the time to give me pointers and get me headed in the right direction.
On her blog she is reviewing the bows I make and sell on Etsy. With this review there is a bow give away and entries must be in by 6/24. There is no purchase necessary and all you need to do is go to her blog, read the review and follow the steps to get your entry.
You will be able to choose any bow you like from my store -
Because of this give away I will be continuing the bow give away every Sunday with no purchase necessary.
Thank you Angie for the great review.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Information Station
I woke up this morning and jumped out of bed to use the bathroom. The instant bouncing out of bed didn't do me any good and I then began thinking about it. I laid back down to close my eyes for a few minutes and realized when I opened them I immediately had the urge to stretch. It felt so good all over my body and I wanted to continue stretching. I then had to find out why we stretch in the morning and why it feels so good, I began looking it up on line and found that the need to stretch is a wonderful thing.
We lay motionless for several hours causing our normal blood flow to pool in our muscles, once we start stretching it forces the blood flow in a high pressure manor back to our heart. I am assuming the fast pace the blood flows back through our veins is what causes the pleasurable feeling throughout our muscles.
I loved watching my babies stretch when they woke, their backs arched and their little limbs tightened as their faces became all wrinkled. I also see my cats do it when they wake up but it seems cats have a better concept of how the body works. When they wake up they stretch each limp one at a time till they are in a standing position and their back arches to complete the stretch.
Since we live in a society that is high paced, always going, never stopping even to eat. I think we take for granted the little things our bodies tell us and we end up not being healthy. If you don't want varicose veins, I suggest you start stretching and taking brisk walks. Come to find out varicose veins are caused from limited activity and then this high pressure blood flow to your limbs. It stretches out the veins causing them to become week and then forming the beautiful thing called a varicose vein. I don't know about you, but I don't want this to happen to my legs and if that's not enough motivation for me to get off my but and exercise I don't know what else would be.
So my tip for the day is, Take a few minutes in the morning to allow the blood to reach all your muscles and your heart. Not only does it feel good but it will benefit your body. Also take 30 minutes a day to take a walk to avoid those unsightly blue veins that we all dread. Also walking increases oxygen to your blood.
While searching why we stretch I also found out why we yawn. I originally thought it was because I was tired. Nope, it is due to carbon dioxide build up in your blood. This sends a a signal to your lungs resulting in a yawn. Lack of oxygen can cause you to be tired so when your feeling sluggish and start yawning frequently, remember to take some deep breaths through your nose to restore the oxygen levels in your blood.
If you liked my info blog let me know. I love to hear what you all have to say.
We lay motionless for several hours causing our normal blood flow to pool in our muscles, once we start stretching it forces the blood flow in a high pressure manor back to our heart. I am assuming the fast pace the blood flows back through our veins is what causes the pleasurable feeling throughout our muscles.
I loved watching my babies stretch when they woke, their backs arched and their little limbs tightened as their faces became all wrinkled. I also see my cats do it when they wake up but it seems cats have a better concept of how the body works. When they wake up they stretch each limp one at a time till they are in a standing position and their back arches to complete the stretch.
Since we live in a society that is high paced, always going, never stopping even to eat. I think we take for granted the little things our bodies tell us and we end up not being healthy. If you don't want varicose veins, I suggest you start stretching and taking brisk walks. Come to find out varicose veins are caused from limited activity and then this high pressure blood flow to your limbs. It stretches out the veins causing them to become week and then forming the beautiful thing called a varicose vein. I don't know about you, but I don't want this to happen to my legs and if that's not enough motivation for me to get off my but and exercise I don't know what else would be.
So my tip for the day is, Take a few minutes in the morning to allow the blood to reach all your muscles and your heart. Not only does it feel good but it will benefit your body. Also take 30 minutes a day to take a walk to avoid those unsightly blue veins that we all dread. Also walking increases oxygen to your blood.
While searching why we stretch I also found out why we yawn. I originally thought it was because I was tired. Nope, it is due to carbon dioxide build up in your blood. This sends a a signal to your lungs resulting in a yawn. Lack of oxygen can cause you to be tired so when your feeling sluggish and start yawning frequently, remember to take some deep breaths through your nose to restore the oxygen levels in your blood.
If you liked my info blog let me know. I love to hear what you all have to say.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Poems by Me,,,
Little Daughter
Pitter patter of little feet,
how they always seem to beat
in a tune of innocence.
Fingerprints on the wall,
time has passed they grow so tall.
Now with trips to the mall and slamming
of doors down the hall,
there is not a moment I'd change at all.
The beating of your heart and mine
once beat in rhyme.
Let me tell you little daughter,
my love for you will never falter.
You have me wrapped around your finger
thoughts of you will always linger,
In my soul and in my heart.
I love you daughter..
Pitter patter of little feet,
how they always seem to beat
in a tune of innocence.
Fingerprints on the wall,
time has passed they grow so tall.
Now with trips to the mall and slamming
of doors down the hall,
there is not a moment I'd change at all.
The beating of your heart and mine
once beat in rhyme.
Let me tell you little daughter,
my love for you will never falter.
You have me wrapped around your finger
thoughts of you will always linger,
In my soul and in my heart.
I love you daughter..
Monday, June 8, 2009
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Daily Words of Encouragement
2 Corinthians 7:10
This is a great verse and exactly what I was trying to say in my Blog "Life is too short to sweat the small stuff."
God only gives us what we can handle and what we experience only makes us stronger, closer to God and leads to our salvation. Without the experiences that bring us sorrow, we cant grow to appreciate the ones that don't, instead we continue through life forgetting to stop and smell the roses missing out on the moments that make us humble.
Try and remember to rejoice in the moments of sorrow and take these moments we experience and use them to build our relationship with God, our family and friends.
1 John 1:9
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
The most uplifting thing about this verse is forgiveness. One thing I have always struggled with being a christen is, hoping and praying that God will forgive me for my sins. This verse says just that, if we confess our sins to him, he is just and WILL forgive us for our sins and then he cleanses us from all unrighteousness., I don't think that this verse can say it any clearer then that. If we ask for forgiveness with our hearts, his faithfulness is just and forgiving. I think we all struggle with the weight of sin everyday, wondering if God will forgive us and in the bible there are so many verses that will explain this over and over again.
There was a tragic and historic day that made this all possible, it was the day Jesus died on the cross and so clearly put it. "Please forgive them for they Know not what they do." What a gracious and merciful moment. For the Savior to put his pain aside and ask forgiveness for the ones who took his life.
God Bless..
The most uplifting thing about this verse is forgiveness. One thing I have always struggled with being a christen is, hoping and praying that God will forgive me for my sins. This verse says just that, if we confess our sins to him, he is just and WILL forgive us for our sins and then he cleanses us from all unrighteousness., I don't think that this verse can say it any clearer then that. If we ask for forgiveness with our hearts, his faithfulness is just and forgiving. I think we all struggle with the weight of sin everyday, wondering if God will forgive us and in the bible there are so many verses that will explain this over and over again.
There was a tragic and historic day that made this all possible, it was the day Jesus died on the cross and so clearly put it. "Please forgive them for they Know not what they do." What a gracious and merciful moment. For the Savior to put his pain aside and ask forgiveness for the ones who took his life.
God Bless..
True friendship is like sound health; the value of it is seldom known until it be lost."
True friendship is like sound health; the value of it is seldom known until it be lost."
- Charles Caleb Colton
"Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art.. It has no survival value: rather is one of those things that give value to survival."
C.S. Lewis
"Your friends will know you better in the first minute they meet you then your acquaintance will know you in a thousand years."
Richard Bach
"Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art.. It has no survival value: rather is one of those things that give value to survival."
C.S. Lewis
"Your friends will know you better in the first minute they meet you then your acquaintance will know you in a thousand years."
Richard Bach
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